Another really wonderful thing about going to artist residencies are the people you meet there. I met Stacy at the The Julia and David White Artist Colony, Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica. We were six artists in total, four writers, and two painters. The painters were given beautiful loft style apartments looking out over bamboo tree gardens. The writers were in little bungalows. In the afternoons we all met for a swim, the evenings brought us together again for dinner. It had it's intense moments, friendships were formed, and a few felt isolated. Artists are not typically the easiest to live with, so putting them together does not always make for the best of times. I enjoy the creative spirit in others and quirkish behaviors.
Stacy and I met in 2006 and remain friends today. Stacy writes for the NY Times, Business Week and has authored several books. She is very serious about her craft, and I love her for that. Every few years I am blessed to be allowed to leave my day job and go off and act like a full-time artist for a month. I love the people I meet, the places I get to visit, and seeing the productivity I am capable of. An adventure always worth taking. Callie