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October 18, 2018

Fight in Flight!

Taken at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, fighting over a kill.

Photo taken by Callie Hirsch, Fight in Flight.

October 13, 2018

Brute Architecture, the Unseen

I am often mesmerized by the angles and protrusions that have become part of modern architectural design. For over forty years I have been an inhabitant of NYC. I never tire of the views I happen upon during my numorous lunch time walks. The ever evolving landscape keeps my gaze ever upward, like a seasoned tourist, I am constantly drawn to something new. Huge windows allowing the observer to be the voyeur, as if life is only relevant if it can be seen.
This series is about the hidden lives, vs the new reality of putting our lives on display with the new wave of larger then life windows. No invitation to look in, to reveal. For what does it mean to be seen, what is it that we are really sharing? Is it like facebook, where you present to the world only what version of yourself you wish to display? These paintings make you feel locked out, you are the outsider not privy to our inside lives. The cold cement walls seperating us from oneanother. In direct oppostition of what we desire, to be invited in, if only with our eyes. The need to connect with others being so very prevailant. The loss of this invitation, isolating. 

The mystery of glass, the transparency of lives, perhaps the next step beyond social media. Do we embrace it, or is it in fact giving away our souls? In exposing our lives, putting ourselves on display, are we really just putting off being alone with one another?

The Garment District Alliance presents: Art Elevated, NYC.

So this happened in Oct. 2018! Two of my artworks were chosen to be on display in the garment district. Such a great honor to be chosen to show my work on the streets of NYC. Special thanks to the sponsor, Orangenius. Giving artists an opportunity to show their work is such an important part of the process of art making.

Artists at the unveiling.