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August 15, 2012

Having fun with sealife

I had a dream this morning that I was on a beach, and if you put your hand in the sand of shallow water, a baby octopus will be in your grasp and pulling away. It was awesome. Yes, I am a little infatuated with the creatures. They are incredibly smart, so squishy and come in such wonderful, changeable colors. I also have quite the fondness for cuttlefish, in case you don't know me. The eyes are just amazing, the pulsating light show moving down their legs, which they perform when inspired, is all so magical. I met a woman recently who thought the sea dragon was a myth, or perhaps a Disney inspired creature. Wow, if ever someone needs to visit an aquarium...that is all I am going to say on the subject.

Above is my latest creation in seducing the world to look at my art. I hope it works, but now, where to post it? Please feel free to share the wonder of art. Thank you, callie

August 05, 2012

Mini Surfboard Art


The above are for sale on

Now available for purchase on! Yes, I have finally dove in and made some collectable fun art. CallieArt on

OK, skateboards were tons of fun to paint, but what about surfboards? Taking on a new shape, simply inspirational. The look and feel of the sea. Would I like to do a real surfboard, totally! If anyone knows of a company with raw, unfinished boards, please let me know.

My dream is to go to Australia in 2014. I am hoping to get gallery representation, if you have a connection and think I would be a good fit, please pass along my site information: Thank you!

I feel a strong connection to the land of aboriginal souls. I would love any gallery contact information. I am in need of some serious networking to make this happen. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this dream comes to fruition. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for stopping by. Callie

Mini surfboards can be purchased on