A chilly Sunday was spent exploring Jamaica Bay, a wonderland of bird sightings. I was more interested in what we saw along the way, it felt like being in any small town by the water in Northeastern United States. No one really thinks of Brooklyn in this way.

It is the only "wildlife refuge" in America, administered by the National Park
Service. It covers 9,000 acre, "one of the best places in New York City to observe migrating species. In
fact, it’s a birder's paradise with 332 bird species sighted at the
refuge over the last 25 years."
Lacking in my pictures are, surprisingly, birds. Only in the first image can a seagull
be found, dropping a clam from the sky with the purpose to crack it
The town was hit by the hurricane Sandy in 2012. So most homes have been lifted and put on cement bases, giving the homes a larger appearance. It was quiet on the streets except for the wandering cats of the neighborhood.
At the welcome center they had bird feeders set up, teeming
with smaller birds. We could have sat there all day watching the birds,
but we pushed off onto the cold trail and enjoyed a walk in the wild.
The day was chilly, and crisp. Lots of ducks were about, nothing amazing was sighted.
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