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February 26, 2025

Mural Completed at The Whale Building, Brooklyn NY

Honored to be one of four artists chosen to create a mural at The Whale Building in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, in exchage for a year long studio was a dream come true. It is my first mural of this size, luckily it is an interior wall, due to it being winter in NY. It took about two weeks to complete, more of a painting then a graphic mural.

I fully enjoyed every minute of the painting process, in fact, I am going back to touch up the seahorse I added recently. I could work on it for the full year, oh what a painting it would be! But, I need to utilize the studio to create more paintings for an eventual show. Vistis are welcome! email me @ to set it up.

Below are photos of the mural, "infinate flow", on the second floor, and my studio, on the sixth floor at portal warehousing.

Thank you for your visit.

Cheers, Callie