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December 19, 2012
December 11, 2012
Aurelia, La création du monde – 2012 CD Artwork by Callie Hirsch
From Belgium:
Aurelie Dorzee, Tom Theuns and Sergne CM Gueye.
CD released 2012
To see some fun videos!
Artwork: Treo of Trees, Callie Hirsch
About a year ago, Tom Theuns from a band by the name of Aurelia emailed me to ask if he could use one of my paintings, Treo of Trees, for his CD art. I said sure! Just give me credit and list my website. I figured that it would give me some nice exposure and help out muscians in need of colorful art! I received this in the mail today, direct from Belgium. How exciting it is to see your art as part of another artform.
December 09, 2012
December 06, 2012
The Giant Octopus, Spain
More photos from this octopus series can be seen on my site
We started in La Coruna and traveled North to San Sebastian, land of many tapas "pintxos"bars. Located in Spanish Basque Country. Simply a delicious place to unwind and make new discoveries.
To view more photos of this fantastical journey.
Traveling is so very different from my 9-5 work life. It is incredibly wonderful to have the opportunity to get away and explore how others live, experience the many different cultures, and learn to depend on yourself and others for survival.
November 01, 2012
Flat Files, Pierogi Gallery in Williamsburg Brooklyn
While in Williamsburg also visit the Artists & Fleas, a fantasticly artistic fleamarket.
9th and Bedford, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
L or M to Bedford
The Boiler
191 N. 14th St. Brooklyn
October 21, 2012
Back to Creating Textiles
Squid Scarf, 2012
October 06, 2012
Sound of the Didgeridoo
September 02, 2012
Callie Art wallets featured on Etsy

Callie Art on Etsy featuring a new line of wallet art. All wallets are unique, one of a kind, and hand painted by Callie.
Joining the collection of mini surfboards and hand painted on paper artwork, these one of a kind painted wallets are great accessories to one’s life. Using iridescent acrylic paint, each wallet is a beautiful piece of art. Created in the style of pointillism, and dedicated to the Aboriginals of Australia.
August 15, 2012
Having fun with sealife

August 05, 2012
Mini Surfboard Art

The above are for sale on
Now available for purchase on! Yes, I have finally dove in and made some collectable fun art. CallieArt on
My dream is to go to Australia in 2014. I am hoping to get gallery representation, if you have a connection and think I would be a good fit, please pass along my site information: Thank you!
I feel a strong connection to the land of aboriginal souls. I would love any gallery contact information. I am in need of some serious networking to make this happen. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this dream comes to fruition. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for stopping by. Callie
Mini surfboards can be purchased on
July 08, 2012
And now for something completely different...

While traveling in London, I did a photoshoot of a skate park under the Tate Modern. Boys in school uniforms were hanging out with the street skaters. I was mesmorized by the grafitti, the skaters and the idea of creating boards to evoke the moment of action. Above are two of the resulting boards inspired by this environment.
July 05, 2012
MTA Arts for Transit, Artist Callie Hirsch
June 17, 2012
MTA Arts for Transit , Artist Callie Hirsch
May 29, 2012
Crossing Art Reception

Art reception, the artists role. Switch to "schmoozing" mode. A good way to get your feet wet in doing this is to be in a group show. All the focus is not on you, as it would be in a solo show. I watch for someone viewing my work and move in and talk with them. At this show I opened with "the darkness of the background reminds me of space, which leaves you feeling the sensation of vastness". The man I was speaking with totally picked up on this, and started a discussion with me about the piece without even realizing I was the artist. He just saw me as a friendly fellow patron of the arts enjoying some insight. I also spent some time getting to know the other artists, in a juried show such as this one, you have no idea about who you will be sharing the walls with. Everyone has a story to tell, just start asking questions.
black gesso and coffee
Going Green II, at Crossing Art Gallery
Flushing, NY 11354
Directions: 7 train to Main Street Flushing. Walk one block on Main Street to 39th Ave (Opposite direction of the LIRR Overpass) Turn right on 39th Ave & enter Queens Crossing (large glass façade). Take the stairs or elevator to the ground floor. For weekends, take N train to Queensboro Plaza and transfer to 7.
April 18, 2012
S P R I N G F L I N G!

WAH Center (Williamsburg Art & Historical Center)

OPENING Sat. April 21
4 - 6 pm Gallery reception
6 - 8 pm Celebration dinner
8-12 am Music & dance party
March 05, 2012
Last panel has been installed. Time to celebrate!

Platform Reception Date:
Saturday, May 19th, 2012, from 1-3pm
Vast (Creature)
My quest for exploration lies within the fantastical universe within our seas.
As a teenager, I had my first scuba diving adventure. My father had a friend who was an underwater photographer. For a week, we lived on a sailboat in the Virgin Islands and dove shipwrecks twice a day. I will never forget how completely taken I was by the variety and vibrancy of life living just beneath the surface.
I became a Rockaway Artist Alliance member before I moved to Brooklyn. I had a friend in Carroll Gardens who really wanted a sticker for her car to be able to park at Fort Tilden without getting a ticket. She brought me to meetings in exchange for this sticker. Fort Tilden offered a very dynamic community rich in art, theatre and gardening. It contained an aura of a place where magical happenings were inspired, and creative souls are celebrated.
Both of my parents were raised in Brooklyn. They were already familiar with the magic the sea offered to the beachcomber. My dad would capture all types of creatures from the ocean and put them in his fish tank for observation. They instilled this love of nature into their four children. That love is very evident in my artwork.
February 18, 2012
The Wave, Rockaway news

A new MTA Arts for Transit project, designed by artist Callie Hirsch, was recently installed at the Beach 105 Street station.
Hirsch created fantastical aquatic creatures set against rich blue and green backgrounds of water.
She worked with the glass fabricator Erskin Mitchell, who interpreted her artwork into three groupings of faceted glass panels. Each is a striking portrayal of organic ocean forms made radiant by the strong light that reflects off the nearby ocean.
Hirsch, inspired by childhood experiences, explores the universe beneath the seas through her artwork. As a child, she was fascinated by the family fish tank filled with creatures taken from the ocean.
As a teenager, her interest was heightened when she began sailing and scuba diving. The variety and vibrancy of life beneath the surface continues to be a major interest to her.
With a love for the Rockaway landscape, Hirsch says the ocean is one of the most desirable places on earth. Through “Vast,” she hopes to “encourage viewers to acknowledge and respect the beauty of the sea as well as consider their own participation in the power and wholeness of the natural world.”
Solo Show titled "Nature's Pulse" at Suffern Free Library

Each painting demonstrates an attempt to resolve the conflict between personal identity as a living body and its place in the natural world. This discussion is shown through seductive patterns and flowing streams of energy represented by dots through the plains of the painted surface, which make the depth of movement magical. The natural world is visually alive in Ms. Hirsch’s work with all the twists and turns in which it travels. The patterning of dots represents this movement of natural energy and is threaded throughout the work.
“The paintings here are a glimpse into one person's process; finding conflict or resolution by creating forms inseparable from anthropological, spiritual and natural forces . . . cycling one's past into the present and back into a common past.” P. Lie, Designer
Nature’s Pulse will be shown at the Suffern Public Library
from February 5th through February 29th.
210 Lafayette Avenue, Suffern, NY (845) 357-1237
February 03, 2012
Parsons School of Design
Callie Danae Hirsch, BFA ’86
School Of Art, Media, And Technology
“I look to make art more accessible and enjoyable, so that it becomes an everyday experience for people,” says Callie Danae Hirsch.
Hirsch’s work Vast was recently installed in New York’s Rockaway Beach subway station as part of the MTA Permanent Arts for Transit Program, allowing thousands of commuters in the Rockaways to encounter her art daily. Her mural, consisting of 15 faceted-glass panels mounted on an outdoor platform, superimposes a translucent seascape over the view of the Atlantic Ocean. “I want viewers to consider and embrace their own connection to the natural world,” Hirsch explains.
Hirsch enjoys having her art seen outside the confines of an art gallery, although she has frequently exhibited in New York City and was invited to show at the Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea in Florence in 2001. Hirsch’s designs appeared on packaging for the popular Sweetriot candies, and her paintings were recently purchased by Hotel 718 in Brooklyn.
January 13, 2012
MTA Arts for Transit , Artist Callie Hirsch

Beach 105 Street
Vast, 2011
Faceted glass
For the Beach 105 Street station, Callie Hirsch created fantastical aquatic creatures set against rich blue and green backgrounds of water. She worked with fabricator Erksin Mitchell, who interpreted her artwork into three groupings of faceted glass panels. Each is a striking portrayal of organic ocean forms made radiant by the strong light that reflects off the nearby ocean.
Hirsch, inspired by childhood experiences, explores the universe beneath the seas through her artwork. As a child, she was fascinated by the family fish tank filled with creatures taken from the ocean. As a teenager, her interest was heightened when she began sailing and scuba diving. The variety and vibrancy of life beneath the surface continues to be a major interest to her.
With a love for the Rockaway landscape, Hirsch says the ocean is one of the most desirable places on earth. Through Vast, she hopes to encourage viewers to acknowledge and respect the beauty of the sea and consider their own participation in the power and wholeness of the natural world."
January 09, 2012
Anyone in Pittsburgh?