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March 28, 2019

Sing for Hope Piano, II, 2019

Back downtown tonight to finish up my piano. Glazing is the last step in completing my piano for Sing for Hope. The time went much faster this year. That happens I guess when you are familiar with a project, vs the unknown. June will feature all the pianos out in the plaza, called the piano parade. I am really hoping that I am in town for it, their is a huge chance I will not be. I love this project and what it means for those less fortunate. It brings a piano to a school in need. It places pianos in parks for everyone to enjoy and experience. It gives with heart and soul.

My piano is about all of us living together, in one city. The crowds, the chaos of city living and the combining of hundreds of tribes. It is dirty, crowded, and people's anger comes swiftly on commuter mornings. Yet we all come together, all just trying to survive with dignity and hope. To make the best of a tough situation. City life is amazing, can be trying, and worth every second. I thrive with it's energy, the visual excitement, and the stunning stories of the people you meet. It is my life.


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