Life vs Death, taken at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. 2020
Choose life, stay masked, get your vaccine, and slowly we will return to a time when we can see our friends again. I miss my peeps. My nieces and nephew are showing zoom fatigue more then the adults. I hate that I can not visit my neighbors without an uncomfortable mask on. I do not believe in safe pods, we are out and about too much to be truly safe.
We all have a unique view on our ideas of risk, it is challenging to sometimes understand how some think that they are invinceable. I have all my necessities delivered if I can, wine being my favorite. I realize how much I really am a social animal, even though I am always seeking isolation to paint, I require a balance. Extremes in anything is unhealthy for the human mind and body. So do what works for you, but remember, we are all in this together and just because you think you will not get covid, does not make it reality. Magical thinking only goes so far when science is involved.
Stay safe, looking forward to seeing you in the new year!
Cheers, Callie
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December 30, 2020
Pandemic Photography, Dec. 2020
This year has been a strange pivot in reality. Staying in my home and painting is like I was handed a artist residency! (I was able to do my day job from home, so was lucky that way financially). I created the series titled: pandemic daydreams, and it has already been shown in LIC, NY. Shown to whom, who knows, but it was a two month show in May. 2020. I was granted the space a year ago, and was not about to give up my time slot due to some pandemic. I dropped the paintings off wearing a mask and gloves, and the manager took on the job of hanging the show in the hip youth hostel. They remained open to customers, and have a lounge and coffee shop type storefront. So, who knows who is still traveling about and staying in Long Island City during the pandemic. Originally I had been so thrilled to secure a two month show, and in warm weather months! That was before the pandemic hit and changed life as we know it.
I also went out walking, almost everyday. I live by Green-Wood Cemetery, and can easily make my way out to Rockaway beach via car. The photograph of WSQ Park, in NYC, was taken on my trip in to do three doctor visits in one day. Yes, quite proud of being able to arrange such a feat. This is my life during the covid-19 pandemic of 2020-2021.
Stay safe, wear your mask and stay away from people as much as humanly possible. Cheers, Callie
I also went out walking, almost everyday. I live by Green-Wood Cemetery, and can easily make my way out to Rockaway beach via car. The photograph of WSQ Park, in NYC, was taken on my trip in to do three doctor visits in one day. Yes, quite proud of being able to arrange such a feat. This is my life during the covid-19 pandemic of 2020-2021.
Stay safe, wear your mask and stay away from people as much as humanly possible. Cheers, Callie
October 06, 2020
A visit to Shirley Chisholm State Park, Brooklyn NY
Such an amazing park created on a landfill site. Right on the water, it allows for both land and sea strolls.
Prints are available at:
coronavirus seawall, fall 2020
@Shirley Chisholm State Park. Available for purchase at Imagekind.
The Sphinx Moth caterpillar discovered.
And a wonderful array of types of crabs. Thank you for viewing. Cheers, Callie
The Sphinx Moth caterpillar discovered.
And a wonderful array of types of crabs. Thank you for viewing. Cheers, Callie
October 03, 2020
Inculsion in the Feminist Studies Journal, Fall 2020
pandemic daydreams was created during the period of March 2020 thru July 2020, and continues on. Encouraged by the series, I hope to work on a larger scale and really push my comfort level. Funny thing is, my comfort level is being pushed most everyday due to the pandemic. Remembering to put a mask on whenever I leave my apartment, not seeing friends and family, and doing my day job at my living room table. I am learning to adjust and be ok with things being different, uncomfortable. As we move forward my skills at finding less crowded places to go and getting good deals for food staples on line are benefiting me greatly. Zoom calls are becoming more comical and I am getting to do yoga and pilates!
We all must find a comfort level in all this madness. Stay safe and vote!
Namaste Callie CallieArtcom
We all must find a comfort level in all this madness. Stay safe and vote!
Namaste Callie CallieArtcom
Feminist Journal inclusion of pandemic daydreams!
September 29, 2020
New Beginnings, a video collaborative by Islip Art Museum
Very excited to be part of this wonderful project!
Art at 50 Plus, New Beginnings, Islip Art Museum and AARP sponsored, CallieArt (at point 32.52)
August 14, 2020
New art in my "pandemic daydreams" series
And the pandemic continues. We are well into August now, I just celebrated my 56th birthday. I was not fond of being 55, so this is a good thing. Also, Kamala Harris just got tapped to be VP, which gives me much hope, and had me singing on the morning of my birthday.
Sharing with you some newly finished pieces that I am about to put up on my website,
This series continues to play out, as does the pandemic. More people are continuing to test positive for covid-19 and the government would like to test less to bring the numbers down. They would also like to remove all the post boxes, so people will be unable to vote via mail in the upcoming election. Did I mention the air, they would like to continue to pollute it, so that they will keep getting payments from the big companies that need laws to change for the worse so that they can continue to thrive. I think we are doing smashingly well in destroying our planet the fastest way possible.
Good for us! Please, vote to save us from such madness. We can not keep moving ahead in this fashion if we hope to have a planet left for our kids to play in.
Thank you for listening to my rant today.
Carry on, wear a mask, and keep distant from others, for they may carry a virus that can kill you...
Sharing with you some newly finished pieces that I am about to put up on my website,
This series continues to play out, as does the pandemic. More people are continuing to test positive for covid-19 and the government would like to test less to bring the numbers down. They would also like to remove all the post boxes, so people will be unable to vote via mail in the upcoming election. Did I mention the air, they would like to continue to pollute it, so that they will keep getting payments from the big companies that need laws to change for the worse so that they can continue to thrive. I think we are doing smashingly well in destroying our planet the fastest way possible.
Good for us! Please, vote to save us from such madness. We can not keep moving ahead in this fashion if we hope to have a planet left for our kids to play in.
Thank you for listening to my rant today.
Carry on, wear a mask, and keep distant from others, for they may carry a virus that can kill you...
August 03, 2020
pandemic daydreams, 2020
I began working on this series since the pandemic hit Brooklyn, NY. On March 13, I started working my day job from home, which freed up my commute time to paint. I had a lot more time to explore and process how I was feeling. The visions simply poured out of me onto canvas.
Like drifting into another world, this series just emerged. I let myself have the freedom to create without thinking. No plan of action, just pure expression.
The series continued to grow. I painted over some older paintings that never really worked. Trying to not make my apartment even more crowded with new canvas, I began upcycling my own work.
Enjoy, all feedback welcome!
August 02, 2020
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"
Spring/Summer of 2020
We find ourselves in isolation, but reaching out to others, alone, but together in our fight to stay safe, healthy, free of Covid-19. Alone, safe, healthy vs out having fun, seeing friends, dining in public. We all miss the same things, require human encounters, crave human touch. Cats and dogs help tremendously in calming us, a sort of meditative petting ritual has begun in my home. Reaching out to friends via Zoom meetings allows for a reprieve from lonliness. I have been taking yoga, pilate and restorative classes. Am I a healthier person due to the pandemic? I am still working from 9-5pm from home, so my stress levels are higher. I sometimes feel like I have three managers looking over my work, sometimes on zoom with two at a time. Everyone is hyper aware, nothing slides by, all is observed.
When will the ignoramus tweets cease? A constant battle to distract us, Americans, from what horrific new thing is going into effect. Everyone is on edge, having mask fatigue, not laughing enough. We are living with a sense of being in the Upside Down world. And others feel invincible, superior to the virus, no need to wear masks, no need to stay apart. They are now getting sick and dying, and blaming other things for this demise.
I am an artist, female, and a bit scared of what will happen when the unemployment runs out. Will it be safe to go to banks to get cash in Brooklyn? I stay inside working, painting, cleaning. We order all our food staples on line, only starting ordering out after the first three months. Our vegetables come from the CSA we pick up once a week. My pandemic mate has asthma, and this virus could take her down badly. We are hyper vigilant.
I have had one solo show during the pandemic, at a location in Long Island City that I had been waiting a year for. Two months showing my pandemic daydream series, to almost no one. It was showing in a hip youth hostel, with bar and lounge area. In any typical year it would be hopping with events and art enthusiasts. I was thrilled to just have the series possibly be seen, to be out there, unmasked, real time.
Stay safe, wear your mask. Enjoy!
We find ourselves in isolation, but reaching out to others, alone, but together in our fight to stay safe, healthy, free of Covid-19. Alone, safe, healthy vs out having fun, seeing friends, dining in public. We all miss the same things, require human encounters, crave human touch. Cats and dogs help tremendously in calming us, a sort of meditative petting ritual has begun in my home. Reaching out to friends via Zoom meetings allows for a reprieve from lonliness. I have been taking yoga, pilate and restorative classes. Am I a healthier person due to the pandemic? I am still working from 9-5pm from home, so my stress levels are higher. I sometimes feel like I have three managers looking over my work, sometimes on zoom with two at a time. Everyone is hyper aware, nothing slides by, all is observed.
When will the ignoramus tweets cease? A constant battle to distract us, Americans, from what horrific new thing is going into effect. Everyone is on edge, having mask fatigue, not laughing enough. We are living with a sense of being in the Upside Down world. And others feel invincible, superior to the virus, no need to wear masks, no need to stay apart. They are now getting sick and dying, and blaming other things for this demise.
I am an artist, female, and a bit scared of what will happen when the unemployment runs out. Will it be safe to go to banks to get cash in Brooklyn? I stay inside working, painting, cleaning. We order all our food staples on line, only starting ordering out after the first three months. Our vegetables come from the CSA we pick up once a week. My pandemic mate has asthma, and this virus could take her down badly. We are hyper vigilant.
I have had one solo show during the pandemic, at a location in Long Island City that I had been waiting a year for. Two months showing my pandemic daydream series, to almost no one. It was showing in a hip youth hostel, with bar and lounge area. In any typical year it would be hopping with events and art enthusiasts. I was thrilled to just have the series possibly be seen, to be out there, unmasked, real time.
Stay safe, wear your mask. Enjoy!
April 29, 2020
Isolation, during coronavirus times
Life on the Outside, April 2020
Surviving the pandemic.
Surviving the pandemic.
I live in Brooklyn, NY and am currently working on a series everyday about the pandemic.
I am feeling the fear of outside due to reading too many horror news stories.
Who has the virus, are they standing too close, maskless?
Life is not what it was, a new reality has taken over.
Those who do not believe that they are susceptible
can pass it onto others with their careless behavior.
Who has the virus, are they standing too close, maskless?
Life is not what it was, a new reality has taken over.
Those who do not believe that they are susceptible
can pass it onto others with their careless behavior.
How do you deal with the strangeness of isolation?
Find a passion and delve right in!
Projects will save you.
Even a puzzle
Even a puzzle
will keep you
Be safe & stay healthy.
February 15, 2020
We All Live Here, Together
Callie Art presents: Valentine Madness @ Brouwerij Lane, in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
New work from the series, We All Live Here, Together, work on canvas and skate decks. The work appears to blend in seamlessly with the mood of the joint. A warm friendly place to enjoy a craft beer, warm up by the fire, and view art. Come out and chill, the show will be up until March 11, 2020.
New work from the series, We All Live Here, Together, work on canvas and skate decks. The work appears to blend in seamlessly with the mood of the joint. A warm friendly place to enjoy a craft beer, warm up by the fire, and view art. Come out and chill, the show will be up until March 11, 2020.
Thank you for viewing!
January 18, 2020
Brouwerij Lane - Callie Art show
Valentine Madness Show!
Reception: Feb. 13, 2020
All Welcome!
Brouwerij Lane
78 Greenpoint Ave, Brooklyn NY
A cozy craft brew bar. Shows runs from Feb. 13 - March 11, 2020
Reception: Feb. 13, 2020
All Welcome!
Brouwerij Lane
78 Greenpoint Ave, Brooklyn NY
A cozy craft brew bar. Shows runs from Feb. 13 - March 11, 2020
It will be a fantastic show, come on out!
Thank you for viewing.
A Line and Its Dynamic Connections
Callie Art, is being presented in a group show @ Salud Y Amor.
Curated by Anisha Kall.
Show runs from Feb. 1 - March 14, 2020
1370 Old Northern Blvd, Roslyn, NY 11576
Gallery hours: Wed. - Friday 2-8pm, Sat. 11-9pm, Sunday 11 - 7pm
Black gesso and acrylic on book illustrations from the late 1800's

Callie creates conversations with the known and searches for the possibilities in the unknown. Flirting with the familiar she plays with what can only be imagined. Each dot, like stardust, represents energy pulsating to form an ever expanding narrative.
Curated by Anisha Kall.
Show runs from Feb. 1 - March 14, 2020
1370 Old Northern Blvd, Roslyn, NY 11576
Gallery hours: Wed. - Friday 2-8pm, Sat. 11-9pm, Sunday 11 - 7pm
Black gesso and acrylic on book illustrations from the late 1800's

Made of Stardust
Made of stardust is a reference to humans being made up of 40% stardust atoms
according to nuclear physicists, or 93% of the mass in our body being stardust.
Darkness, like that found in space or the sea, entice us with the mysteries they conceal. Fantasies are imagined and ideas begin to percolate. Where normal is abandoned, the unrestricted imagination is waking. Our mind is lured into understanding that anything can be.
according to nuclear physicists, or 93% of the mass in our body being stardust.
Darkness, like that found in space or the sea, entice us with the mysteries they conceal. Fantasies are imagined and ideas begin to percolate. Where normal is abandoned, the unrestricted imagination is waking. Our mind is lured into understanding that anything can be.
Callie creates conversations with the known and searches for the possibilities in the unknown. Flirting with the familiar she plays with what can only be imagined. Each dot, like stardust, represents energy pulsating to form an ever expanding narrative.
Thank you for viewing!
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