Spring/Summer of 2020
We find ourselves in isolation, but reaching out to others, alone, but together in our fight to stay safe, healthy, free of Covid-19. Alone, safe, healthy vs out having fun, seeing friends, dining in public. We all miss the same things, require human encounters, crave human touch. Cats and dogs help tremendously in calming us, a sort of meditative petting ritual has begun in my home.
Reaching out to friends via Zoom meetings allows for a reprieve from lonliness. I have been taking yoga, pilate and restorative classes. Am I a healthier person due to the pandemic? I am still working from 9-5pm from home, so my stress levels are higher. I sometimes feel like I have three managers looking over my work, sometimes on zoom with two at a time. Everyone is hyper aware, nothing slides by, all is observed.

When will the ignoramus tweets cease? A constant battle to distract us, Americans, from what horrific new thing is going into effect. Everyone is on edge, having mask fatigue, not laughing enough. We are living with a sense of being in the Upside Down world. And others feel invincible, superior to the virus, no need to wear masks, no need to stay apart. They are now getting sick and dying, and blaming other things for this demise.
I am an artist, female, and a bit scared of what will happen when the unemployment runs out. Will it be safe to go to banks to get cash in Brooklyn? I stay inside working, painting, cleaning. We order all our food staples on line, only starting ordering out after the first three months. Our vegetables come from the CSA we pick up once a week. My pandemic mate has asthma, and this virus could take her down badly. We are hyper vigilant.
I have had one solo show during the pandemic, at a location in Long Island City that I had been waiting a year for. Two months showing my pandemic daydream series, to almost no one. It was showing in a hip youth hostel, with bar and lounge area. In any typical year it would be hopping with events and art enthusiasts. I was thrilled to just have the series possibly be seen, to be out there, unmasked, real time.
Stay safe, wear your mask. Enjoy!