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September 03, 2021

Badge of Honor, for the Nurses

Badge of Honor I & II Commissioned for First Responders in the continuing fight against COVID-19. Originals have been shipped to a nurse and her team at Harborview Medical Center, a level-one trauma center in Seattle, WA.

* In the eye of the storm,
we have not forgotten you, and your ongoing work and sacrifice. *

Badge of Honor II

After we sent the Badge of Honor to our nurse friend in Seattle, we got such a teary, heartfelt video of her thanking us for thinking of her and telling us just how hard it really is. Day in and day out fighting with people to wear their frick'en masks and to stay out of the hospital. Get your vaccine, covid-19 and its variants are well worth avoiding. We do not yet understand the long-term affects of the virus. We need to stop infecting each other. Her eyes and shaky voice reveal her true frustration. What is wrong with humankinds that they are so inherently selfish?

Badge of Honor I

Acrylic on black paper, free digital downloadable jpgs available upon request. Commissions also available. 50% of all proceeds for professional prints and commissions will be donated to, which offers free crisis counseling for health care professionals and essential workers dealing with anxiety, stress, fear and isolation.

Please write to request one! Professional prints available at:

Stay safe and masked. Cheers, Callie

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